Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Some Things in Life Just Don't Have a Recipe

My everyday cooking consists of mostly my Grandmother's and Mother's recipes, and if you've ever experienced them in the kitchen, you'd know that they hardly ever followed a recipe.  I remember asking my grandma, what recipe do you use for the tortillas?  She said look, come here "you put your flour in the bowl, get a scoop of crisco (I use lard they come out softer) and put it in, pour some baking powder in your hand like this look, then put a little bit of salt in your palm like this and put it in," and I said well how much is that and she said "you know, just a little".  So this is how I was taught to cook, not very precise, so whenever someone asks me for a recipe I don't know what to say.  Yesterday I decided to make empanaditas, its a long tedious process but the fruit of the labor is out of this world.  I remember as a little girl, the night before making empanaditas, we would go to my grandmas house and sit at the table and crack piñon with a bolillo to use in the meat it was a long process!  Anyhow, I made the meat exactly how my grandmother and mother make it and the result is divine however, it didn't occur to me to keep track of how much of the ingredients I used, you put just enough apple sauce in the meat until it's moist "enough", sprinkle on the sugar and cinnamon until it is well incorporated, sprinkle on the piñon and raisins and bake it long enough for the flavors to merry with the meat you know, until it tastes "right".  I have no idea how much of anything!!!! Maybe next year I'll try and measure it out so that I can share the recipe with you...maybe.  I think some things in life need to be left a mystery and maybe this is just one of them. heehee  So after a long days work in the kitchen, I sit and enjoy along with my family the fruits of my labor with a little cafecito.  By the way my Mom stopped by after work and approved, and said they were delicious and, that I was amazing so, I guess I made them right and they are "Mother Approved".  If you don't get that seal of approval it makes for a worrisome night.  Well, until later, stay warm out there it is freezing and my house smells like it was deep fried and I can't open the doors to air it out, oh well what can I do. 

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